Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I hate guilt. I think it is a wasted emotion for the most part. I really try to own my actions so I live a pretty guilt-free life. However, I am currently feeling some guilt. Because I have been feeling so crappy and when I'm not feeling crappy I am so freaking tired I've been *neglecting* the physical needs of my husband. He hasn't been pressuring me and he even tells me it is okay. But I'm not an idiot, I see he is having a difficult time. The problem is that with Trinity I'm pretty sure we only had sex once while we were pregnant and he went like 6 months without sex. I would prefer not to have a similar situation this time. This is why I hate guilt, you cannot win. ARGH!!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess he doesn't mind a little puke? Cut yourself some slack pg isn't easy on you.

Penny said...

I hardly think it's neglect when you're aware of the issue.

He'll survive!

If you can't manage DTD maybe try some other options like massage or something. But only if that is something you can manage.

Astarte said...

Um, sounds to me like he brought this little vacation on himself, hmm? That's what got him here in the first place!!!

Rosalie said...

Don't feel bad sweetie. I think the most importsnt thing is to have some time just the of you. Take it easy.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Hang in there, dear, maybe you will feel better after the first trimester? I did, I hope you do too!